Indy Fun
Memorial Day Weekend

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101-driving to Indy 102-driving-Stew 103-driving_watching Sleepless in Seattle on the video
101-driving to Indy.jpg 102-driving-Stew.jpg 103-driving_watching Sleepless in Seattle on the video.jpg
104-driving-rest stop 105-driving-stew's new van 106-driving-lots of gear
104-driving-rest stop.jpg 105-driving-stew's new van.jpg 106-driving-lots of gear.jpg
107-driving - mark self portrait 108-arrival-get out the beer! 109-bartender bill
107-driving - mark self portrait.jpg 108-arrival-get out the beer!.jpg 109-bartender bill.jpg
110-art&Stew 111-art's house 112-pitching tents
110-art&Stew.jpg 111-art's house.jpg 112-pitching tents.jpg
113-pitching tents 114-pictching tents 115-bill getting it right
113-pitching tents.jpg 114-pictching tents.jpg 115-bill getting it right.jpg